Anxiety… prisoner of the metal collar

Anxiety… prisoner of the metal collar

Stress and anxiety are helpful in life.

Imagine you’re hiking in Alaska, and you suddenly find yourself in front of a Kodiak bear that’s fresh out of hibernation and looking for his first meal. You can actually see drool coming out of his mouth, and the only defense you have is a spoon…

…Okay, bad example.

Let’s say you’re allergic to wasps. Stress is what tells you to be careful when they’re nearby. When you see a wasp, anxiety is what drives you to move in the opposite direction. These are normal defense mechanisms, and they’ve allowed human beings to evolve.

However, with evolution, the causes of anxiety changed in modern times: work, family, money, health, and so on. Cavemen didn’t care about all of that… but today, these are the things that stress us the most.

Today I’m going to talk about Generalized Anxiety Disorder, like I did before with depression.  Although it’s a really common disorder, few people easily accept it or feel comfortable talking about it.

Note: You might need a little effort and imagination to get into this comic strip… but you’ll definitely appreciate it more if you try to go along with my unusual analogies. Enjoy!

Translated by Ellie Rieber with edits by Patricia Rainville; proofread by Stéphanie Alcaraz-Robinson.


How the electric metal collar works

The anxiety thought experiment test


Panic attacks and real-life concerns



Going to the doctor and physical symptoms of anxiety


The psychological and chemical keys of the anxiety collar


The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex in the brain

Anxiety denial and how to test yourself and others


What to you for your family and friends and hope



CBT and a book recommendation


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  1. Watch the episode “The Gamesters of Triskelion,” second season Star Trek (classic.). Three crewmembers are kidnapped and outfitted with collars that would choke them if they disobeyed, or maybe there was an electric charge. They were held in a menagerie of other creatures and forced to fight for the amusement of their captors. Fortunately such collars only exist in the imagination, on television or in the movies.

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